Grameenphone Eid Data Bonus Offer
4GB (2GB + 2GB FB) @ Tk 2996GB (3GB + 3GB FB) @ Tk 349
4GB (2GB + 2GB FB) @ Tk 299
2GB Internet with 2GB FB Internet valid for 14 Days at Tk 299 (including SD, SC & VAT)
Customer will be able to use 2GB for Open Internet and 2GB for Facebook for 14 days
Customer needs to dial *5000*191# to enjoy the offer
This offer will continue until further notice
After Internet Volume Expiration customers will be charged Tk .01/10KB (till validity exists, up to 200 Taka)
Unused Data Volume will not be carried forward
Dial *121*1*4# to know internet balance
6GB (3GB + 3GB FB) @ Tk 349
3GB Internet with 3GB FB Internet valid for 14 Days at Tk 349 (including SD, SC & VAT)
Customer will be able to use 3GB for Open Internet and 3GB for Facebook for 14 days
Customer needs to dial *5000*192# to enjoy the offer
This offer will continue until further notice
After Internet Volume Expiration customers will be charged Tk .01/10KB (till validity exists, up to 200 Taka)
Unused Data Volume will not be carried forward
Dial *121*1*4# to know internet balance